A very basic covid tracking app using Vue3, built mainly to refresh my knowledge of the framework and test out new features.
A simple clone of Instagram with very basic functionality. Made with React, TailwindCSS and Firebase. Including tests with testing-library, Jest and Cypress.
A very simple but accurate clone of a famous streaming service. Made with React (custom hooks & context), styled-components and Firebase
The app was built as a productivity tool for myself, being able to use my domain to go fast to specific pages on all my devices was really something that I find convenient. Its built with a Express backend + MongoDB and a really small Vue frontend
A static page made with HTML SCSS and Gulp. Created to practice my styling and basic web development skill without any framework whatsoever.
A small OCR app to scan nodewar and siege scores from Black Desert Online and transpile them to pdf for easy access and tracking. Made with Tesseract.js
A starred project hunter for Github projects, created because I dislike the at the time awful timeline Github had for exploring new projects. Created using React and ChakraUI.
Pretty much one of these everyone has, but with something different. It uses LocalStorage
A very complex project involving emulating old Games on a GameBoy encasing. Made with a Raspberry PI Zero and a lot of 3D printed parts as well as the original cartridge reader.